
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

* New website section * Participatory development of teacher training
For the last few years, EENET has worked with Norwegian Association of Disabled (NAD) to develop and test an innovative inclusive education teacher training approach in Zambia and Zanzibar. You can now read about the project’s background and take a detailed look at the process in a dedicated new section on EENET’s website: Participatory development … Continue reading * New website section * Participatory development of teacher training

Mathematics Made Easy for Blind Children – ICEVI videos and manual
The International Council for Education of People with Visual Impairment (ICEVI) has launched a YouTube channel to share videos showing ideas for making maths teaching accessible for blind learners. There is also a comprehensive manual.

* New publication * Leave No Child Behind
Light for the World with its partners, supported by the Early Childhood Program of the Open Society Foundations, has launched the summary report from its recent study ‘Leave No Child Behind. Invest in the early years’. The study uncovers trends and strategic commitments in aid for inclusive early childhood development. The full report and accompanying … Continue reading * New publication * Leave No Child Behind

EENET inclusive ECE video project – progress update 5
Filming for our new inclusive early childhood education videos is now well underway in Swaziland. One of the exciting aspects of this film-making project is that we are not just documenting good ideas to help early years educators become more inclusive. We are also working with youth from local secondary schools. We are building on … Continue reading EENET inclusive ECE video project – progress update 5

GEM survey – your views on inclusive education
A new survey has been released by UNESCO to gather sentiments and quotes from parents, teachers and students on inclusion and education – the theme of the 2020 Global Education Monitoring Report. These quotes will bring to life some of the research in the Report. The survey is available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese.