
Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.

New toolkit on health literacy to support girls’ retention in education
UNESCO Nairobi has recently published a set of tools on Health Literacy and Behavior Change Practices among Adolescent Girls. The kit includes a teacher’s guide, fact booklets, stories and drama scripts for students, and a sample radio drama script. There is also a booklet of artwork from students involved in piloting the materials. Here is … Continue reading New toolkit on health literacy to support girls’ retention in education

New thematic pages on INEE website
INEE – Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies – is making improvements to its website. A set of thematic pages has been developed. These pages contain introductory information and recommended reading materials for each theme. The following themes are available so far: Accelerated education Adolescents and youth Advocacy Conflict sensitive education Disaster risk reduction Early … Continue reading New thematic pages on INEE website

263 million still out of school
The latest data from UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) shows that one-in-five children and young people are out of school around the world – that’s 263 million. The figures range from 63 million being out of school at primary age, 61 million at lower-secondary age, and a shocking 139 million at upper-secondary age. The situation … Continue reading 263 million still out of school

Enabling Education Review 6: Street-connected young people and inclusive education
The latest edition of Enabling Education Review is now available in pdf and html formats. EER6 is a special issue on street-connected young people and inclusive education. This edition showcases some of the many different ways that organisations support young people living and working on the streets to access education. A number of the programmes … Continue reading Enabling Education Review 6: Street-connected young people and inclusive education

IASC online survey on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action
The Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Task Team on Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action has launched a global survey to seek opinions on how to improve the inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action. They want to hear from a wide range of stakeholders including field-based organisations and DPOs, to ensure that these … Continue reading IASC online survey on inclusion of persons with disabilities in humanitarian action