Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.
[Interview] Education Cannot Wait interviews DRC’s Minister of National Education and New CitizenshipRaïssa Malu is the Minister of State, Minister of National Education and New Citizenship for the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this short interview, she answers questions about education, including how to improve access to education and the focus on girls’ education. Read the interview. [Article] Costa Rica’s ‘education blackout’ fuels gang violence
An article by the New Humanitarian shows the connection between austerity policies with reduced funding for education and young people joining gangs. According to researchers at the think tank Estado de la Nación (State of the Nation), the decaying quality of teaching, the erosion of the country’s social fabric, the damaging effects of the pandemic, and … Continue reading [Article] Costa Rica’s ‘education blackout’ fuels gang violence [Blog] Education and inclusion of children with albinism in sub-Saharan Africa
This blog gives examples of how children with albinism are supported in their schooling in Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda. Albinism is one of the commonly misunderstood conditions in many African communities. In some communities, albinism was viewed as a curse, a bad omen, or a punishment from the ancestors for atonement of wrong deeds. Children … Continue reading [Blog] Education and inclusion of children with albinism in sub-Saharan Africa [Resources] Inclusion in Physical Education
The UK Youth Sport Trust has some free resources for schools. These were made for the UK context but some can be used for inspiration in other countries, too, like the 60 second physicial activity challenges. Other resources can only be accessed when registering with the Yough Sport Trust. Access the free resources. [Resources] Inclusive Education and Employment Transition for Youth with Disabilities in Malaysia
Fora Education has a report and toolkits for its project to identify key challenges for the transition from school to post-secondary training and education opportunities to employment. The toolkits are: person-centred planning for youth with disabilities in transition, family support and advocacy for youth with disabilities in transition and supporting inclusive employment for persons with … Continue reading [Resources] Inclusive Education and Employment Transition for Youth with Disabilities in Malaysia