Global inclusive education updates from EENET and other organisations.
[Research] Strengthening in-service teacher mentorship and supportIn May 2021, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Information Exchange (KIX) launched the project, Strengthening In-service Teacher Mentorship and Support, which involves a teacher support model called School-based In-service Teacher Training (SITT) in Kenya, Tanzania, and Zambia. SITT is a practice-based approach that involves training experienced teachers and college tutors to mentor other … Continue reading [Research] Strengthening in-service teacher mentorship and support [Research] Improving knowledge on gender norms to promote gender equality in schools in Africa
In 2021, Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Information Exchange (KIX) began funding research on gender norms in Burkina Faso, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and São Tomé & Príncipe that could inform knowledge mobilization and capacity strengthening strategies to promote gender equality in schools. The research team unearthed disparities in girls’ … Continue reading [Research] Improving knowledge on gender norms to promote gender equality in schools in Africa [Blog] World Future Policy Award 2024: Peace & Future Generations
The World Future Council is introducing the finalists of the World Future Policy Award for peace and future generations, which takes place on 27 November in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Future Policy Award celebrates top policy solutions for current and future generations. Two education initiatives are among the finalists: Rwanda’s Peace Education Programme (RPEP) … Continue reading [Blog] World Future Policy Award 2024: Peace & Future Generations [Article] What you need to know about ending violence in and through education
School violence is widespread and affects both learners and education personnel. Every month, bullying affects one pupil in three. On the International Day against violence and bullying at school including cyberbullying, on 7 November, UNESCO called for better protection for students against the physical, verbal and psychological aggression to which they can be subjected. UNESCO’s … Continue reading [Article] What you need to know about ending violence in and through education [Research] Strategies to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and foster equity in rural schools
The Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Information Exchange (KIX) has published the results from its project around gender-based violence (GBV) and equity in rural schools in Latin America. Sex-based discrimination and GBV manifest in various ways. This project increased its efficacy by addressing gender roles, harmful practices towards children, pregnancy in adolescents, and … Continue reading [Research] Strategies to prevent sexual and gender-based violence and foster equity in rural schools