EENET has a pool of freelance consultants based in countries around the world. They are not employed by EENET, but choose to work through EENET. They have a wide range of experiences, skills and qualifications, covering numerous inclusion areas such as: early childhood development, education in emergencies, disability, gender, child marriage, teacher education, parental involvement, stakeholder participation, and more.

Our consultants have worked as teachers and teacher trainers in various countries; as advisers, managers and technical staff for national and international non-governmental organisations; and as academics.

Below you can meet some of our current consultants. Full CVs are available on request. Click on the consultant’s photo to visit their LinkedIn page, where available.

Karen Chesterton Khayat

Karen Chesterton Khayat

Based in New Zealand.

Specialises in inclusive education, children with disabilities, early childhood education and early intervention, teacher education, severe and profound impairment, policy development

Extensive experience in post-conflict countries as a trainer and programme designer.

Alexander Hauschild

Alexander Hauschild

Based in Indonesia

Specialises in the fields of inclusive education, TVET, labour markets, disability and assistive technology.

Extensive experience in project development / management tasks as well as consultancies for OPDs, government institutions, and NGOs across the Asia region.

Dilu Kassam

Dilu Kassam

Based in Canada

Specialises in global health issues with a focus on gender and development, specifically in low income settings

Extensive experience in diverse settings as a researcher, monitoring and evaluation, public health programme design and intervention, material development and training in health/life skills education.

Polly Kirby

Polly Kirby

Based in UK

Specialises in inclusive education system programming, girls’ education, disability, and teacher education

Extensive experience facilitating participatory learning, design and research processes, capacity building, and designing and implementing teacher professional development programmes.

Dan Lewis

Based in the UK

Specialises in video editing and post-production.

Holds a 1st class bachelor’s degree in film production. Previous experience includes working with clients on editing and producing inclusive teacher training videos, podcasts, and creative short films.

Ingrid Lewis

Picture of Ingrid Lewis

Based in UK

Specialises in supporting stakeholder participation/voice throughout the project cycle, within education and other sectors

Extensive experience as a trainer, evaluator and writer/editor of reports and training manuals.

Duncan Little

Duncan Little

Based in UK

Qualified teacher specialising in children with behavioural problems and learning difficulties

Highly experienced teacher trainer, and researcher (with a focus on children’s participation).

Aubrey Moono

Picture of Aubrey Mono

Based in Zambia

Specialises in teacher education and inclusive education.

Extensive experience as a primary school teacher and with facilitating participatory learning and mentoring trainers and NGO staff.

Juliette Myers

Juliette Meyers

Based in UK

Strong track record as an analyst and writer, specialising in policy research, advocacy and programme design

Specialises in education and girls, inclusive education, disability, financing, conflict/fragility, alternative basic education, early marriage.

Helen Pinnock

Helen Pinnock

Based in UK

Extensive experience in research, programme and materials development, training, policy and advocacy.

Specialises in inclusive education system development, participatory school improvement, multilingual teaching, disability and girls’ education.

Ayman Qwaider

Based in Australia

Specialises in education in emergencies and inclusive education

Experience with community-based education projects in post-conflict contexts, and working with people with disabilities on inclusion initiatives.

Vibhu Sharma

Picture of Vibhu Sharma

Based in India

Specialises in inclusive education, children with disabilities, assistive technologies, policy development, digital accessibility, disability-inclusive and diverse human resources.

Extensive experience in diverse settings in developing and implementing disability inclusion policies, delivering capacity-building programmes, conducting research and creating inclusive communication assets.

Timothy Spafford

Based in the UK

Specialises in whole-school improvement and the achievement of learners from disadvantaged groups. With over 40 years teaching and teacher-training in the UK and Africa, experience includes being an associate consultant to the UK government’s Department for Education, co-author of government guidance on refugee education and health, and Head of Corporate Strategy, Equality and Performance for a London local authority.

Anise Waljee

Anise Waljee

Based in UK

Specialises in early childhood education, inclusive education, gender and disability

Extensive experience with strategic planning, organisational change, capacity building, research, developing and facilitating trainings, and policy and advocacy work.