EENET and Norwegian Association of Disabled developed an innovative teacher training approach, now known as the Inclusive Learning Approach (inclusive teaching component).

Project background
This project used global learning about common weaknesses in inclusive education teacher training to develop an alternative approach.

The process
The Inclusive Learning Approach (inclusive teaching component) uses a process that includes careful selection of trainers and collaborative development of materials.

Training materials – original Zambia version
In Zambia, 11 modules were originally developed for the Inclusive Learning Approach (inclusive teaching component). They can be downloaded here.
Continue reading “Training materials – original Zambia version”

Moving to Uganda
The teacher training approach is now being adapted and implemented in Uganda. You can track progress here.

Iraq adaptation
The teacher training approach is now being adapted and implemented in the governate of Duhok in Kurdistan Region Iraq. You can track progress here and feel free to contact us with any questions.
Continue reading “Iraq adaptation”
Read answers to some of the most common questions about this teacher training approach.
Continue reading “FAQs”This project is a collaboration between NAD and EENET.