EENET offers an extensive range of electronic and hard-copy resources relating to inclusive education.
If you have any documents or videos that you would like us to share, please contact us.

EENET’s Resources
This section provides a quick reference list of the key materials developed and published by EENET, including videos, training manuals, and guidance documents. Continue reading “EENET’s Resources”

Enabling Education Review
Published annually. Features articles from grassroots stakeholders around the world, sharing their experiences of making education more inclusive. Continue reading “Enabling Education Review”

Document and video library
Our website contains over 800 items on a wide range of topics relating to inclusive education. Continue reading “Document and video library”

Online courses
EENET’s free online learning platform offers a selection of short self-study courses. Continue reading “Online courses”

What is inclusive education?
Not sure where to start? We provide some suggestions for initial reading and viewing. Continue reading “What is inclusive education?”

Order hard copies of many of our materials, including Enabling Education Review, through our online shop. Continue reading “Shop”

Covid-19 and inclusive education
This is a selection of information and resources most relevant for EENET’s readers. Continue reading “Covid-19 and inclusive education”

EENET’s podcast series features education stakeholders living and working in contexts where learners experience exclusion, marginalisation and oppression.
Continue reading “Podcast”