[Video] Challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ learners -UNESCO India.

UNESCO New Delhi launched its video documentary titled Champions of Change‘ in October 2022, focusing on the challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ learners.

Bullying and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and expression (SOGIE) in schools adversely affect LGBTQIA+ and gender non-conforming students’ physical and psychological health.

UNESCO New Delhi recorded videos capturing experiences of transgender people who overcame challenges related to stigma, discrimination, violence, and bullying in educational institutions and became achievers in their professional lives.

The video builds understanding on the scale and impact of homophobic bullying in educational institutions. It also provides recommendations on how to prevent and addresses school-based bullying faced by LGBTQIA+ learners.

[Article] How to build a climate-resilient NGO in 2022

We can all help build climate resilience.

We tend to concentrate on mitigation, such as lowering our carbon footprint, but we should also consider what adaptive actions can make our organisation, the communities we work with, and our environment more resilient to the changes ahead.

An article by MzN International – How to build a climate-resilient NGO in 2022 – explores the many ways to incorporate resilience-building into non-climate focused development work and how we run our organisations.

[Resources] Education welcome packs for families from Ukraine and Afghanistan

 Refugee Education UK is offering an education welcome pack for Ukrainian and Afghan refugees.

The packs include key information about the UK education system and how to access it, a welcome to school and classrooms for children and information about other sources of support, including helpful charities, resources, courses and interpretation services.

See the website for more information specific to Ukraine or Afghanistan.

[UK Resource] Activity Alliance launches inclusive education PE hub

The Activity Alliance has launched an inclusive education PE hub for schools and colleges in England.

As the sport and leisure sector began to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, Activity Alliance supports organisations to increase their commitments to inclusion and to embed inclusive practice into all programmes.

The hub provides support for teachers and school staff to review and improve inclusive physical education and school sport delivery. It is all made possible through the Department of Education funded ‘Inclusion 2024’ project.

Once registered, education professional will be able to complete the Inclusive PE self-assessment. Then they will be directed to relevant resources based on the answers and receive tips to continually improve the way they work.

[UK online community] NDCS launches professional community on Facebook

This month the National Deaf Children’s Society (NDCS) in the UK has launched a professional community for those working with deaf children and their families. The community is hosted on Facebook and is for professionals in education, health and social care to come together and discuss topics relating to working with deaf children.

[UK advocacy] Open letter to Ofsted from early years professionals

An open letter, co-ordinated by Early Education and supported by the Early Years Alliance, has been sent to Ofsted (the UK’s Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills). The letter expresses concerns around the quality of Ofsted’s early years review: ‘Best start in life part 1: setting the scene’.

The letter highlights nine areas of concern with the review, raised by over 100 signatories:

  • Coverage of all EYFS provision
  • Underpinning principles.
  • Limited engagement with research evidence. 
  • Definition of curriculum.
  • Definition of teaching.
  • How children learn and cognitive science.
  • Following children’s interests.
  • Play.
  • Reflecting the realities of early years practice.

The letter asks Ofsted to work more appropriately with a range of experienced practitioners and researchers as well as engaging with sector representative bodies on upcoming reviews.

**Deadline expired** [Webinar]: Building stronger foundations for the early childhood education of neurodivergent children in Africa’ ~ 01 December 2022

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Conference (SENICON) – Webinar on Building stronger foundations for the early childhood education of neurodivergent children in Africa’. – The Winford Centre for Children and Women

Special Educational Needs and Inclusion Conference (SENICON) is a gathering of education stakeholders who are interested in moving forward the knowledge and practice of providing quality accessible education for neurodivergent children in Africa.

SENICON 2022 will focus on the strengthening of early years provisions for neurodivergent children through the theme: ‘Building stronger foundations for the early childhood education of neurodivergent children in Africa’.

The conference which will be held online will run for 2 days from 1st to 2nd December 2022 in commemoration of this year’s International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

Please visit the website to see the list of speakers and other event details.

**Deadline expired** [Webinar]: Apply for ‘Introduction to Deafness’ training – 15 – 17th November 2022

Introduction to Deafness (training course).

Date: 15 – 17 November 2022.

This training course ‘Introduction to Deafness’ is for staff of charities and NGOs who work or are planning to work with deaf children in developing countries who want to learn more about the basics of deafness and the impact it can have on a child’s life, especially in low income settings.

It will be run across three days, from 15 to 17 November, in three two-hour blocks.  You must be able to attend ALL THREE of these sessions to qualify for a place.

 Please apply on the website.

[Webinar]: Register to support deaf children in developing countries – 22 November 2022

Register for webinar: ‘Language in the Early Years: How to Support Deaf Children in Developing Countries’.

Date: 22 November 2022.

Time: 11am UK time.

For deaf children, learning to communicate is their first and most immediate challenge, and they need support with this from the start in order to thrive. Limited language skills impact a young child’s ability to build relationships, share experiences and be ready for school.

An expert panel will share perspectives and approaches from Kenya, Ghana, India and Bangladesh which help develop a young deaf child’s language and communication skills. Delegates will have the opportunity to ask questions of our speakers as well as spend time sharing and learning from each other in break-out rooms.

Register your participation for this webinar on the website. 

**Deadline expired** Protest march for inclusive education, Madrid, Spain – 23 October 2022.

Wanting it is creating it: A school for an inclusive society.

Date: 23 October 2022.

Time: 12:00 CET (midday).

Place: Plaza del Callao, Madrid (Spain).

‘Quererla es Crearla’ (Wanting it is creating it) summons a  protest march for the fulfillment of a right that benefits all people.

The people and groups that promote this initiative strongly believe in the need to transform and improve the Spanish educational system from an inclusive perspective to contribute to the development of a fairer, more equal and ultimately more democratic society.

They promote inclusive education and will support every person and group that is willing to create it.

See the website for more details.