In early March 2023 the government responded to the SEND review Green Paper consultation by publishing its ‘SEND and Alternative Provision (AP) Improvement Plan: Right support, right place, right time’.
The consultation highlighted very real concerns and a dire need for change in a system that is hampered by inequity, difficult and lengthy processes, and funding shortfalls, and the SEND and AP Improvement Plan outlines the first steps that the government will take in addressing the issues raised.
Nasen responded to the plan citing ‘we feel encouraged by the plan that the government has put before us today. It appears that they have listened, acknowledged the issues, and committed to change. We recognise alignment with Nasen’s vision of an equitable learning experience for all. We acknowledge that this improvement plan is not presented as a finished article, but rather marks the beginning of a new phase. In taking this approach, they are unlocking the true spirit of coproduction, enabling those most impacted to help determine the detail, and offering opportunity to test and learn as the process evolves. Authentic co-production can only be positive.’
Nasen’s full response to the plan is now available to read on their website.