Webinar: Achieving fair and responsive school place planning: reviewing the National Framework and empowering Local Authorities
Date: 14 July 2022
According to government figures, 418,000 secondary school places will be needed in England alone by 2027 in order to meet the 14.7% rise in pupil population.
The responsibility for ensuring that there are sufficient school places in each area falls to the relevant local authority, however councils have no powers to open new maintained schools or to compel academies or free schools to expand to meet demand. As shown by the Education Policy Institute’s analysis of admissions data in 2019, there are noticeable disparities in first choice offers, not only across the country, but also between white British families and black, Asian and minority ethnic families, the former being more likely to receive an offer from their first choice school.
This symposium provides policymakers, local authorities, education professionals and other key stakeholders with a unique opportunity to understand changing demand for school places and to develop strategies for national and local school place planning. The event will enable stakeholders to generate a collaborative approach to ensuring every child receives a quality education.